Group Policy Naming Conventions

Active Directory requires that all group policies have unique names. This is achieved by including the acronym of the department, college, or university that the group policy belongs to. The table below outlines the naming conventions that should be used for different types of group policies on the WOLFTECH domain.

Software Group Policy

The Software, Freeware, and Experimental Software Group Policies use the name of the associated Software Group. The groups should follow the naming convention listed above. Because you may have multiple group policies based on different WMI filters, an optional WMI filter description is added to the end of the group name.

  • Examples
    • Software Group Name: ECE-SW-Microsoft-Office-2010-r1
    • GPOs: ECE-SW-Microsoft-Office-2010-v1-x86, ECE-SW-Microsoft-Office-2010-r1-x64
    • Software Group Name: ECE-FW-Mozilla-Firefox-1.0.2
    • GPOs: ECE-FW-Mozilla Firefox-1.0.2-WinXP, ECE-FW-Mozilla Firefox-1.0.2-Vista
  • Notes: For more information about software distribution, see Software Distribution.


College/Departmental Security Policy

  • Format: <DEPT>-<NAME>
  • Examples: ECE-Staff Policy
  • Notes: These policies are used with one departmental OU. Permissions are delegated to the <DEPT>-OU Admins group for policies which begin with <DEPT>-.


Domain-wide Security Policy

  • Format
    • WolfTech-<NAME>
    • WolfTech-Default Domain Policy – <OSVERSION>
    • <MS EC Policy>
  • Examples
    • WolfTech-Local Accounts Policy
    • WolfTech-Default Domain Policy – Vista
    • Win7 EC Desktop Policy
    • WS08R2-EC-Member-Server
  • Notes: These policies apply to the entire domain.