GPO Setting Search Powershell Example

This Powershell script will search through every GPO in the entire domain looking for any GPO with the setting specified.

[powershell] # SearchGPOsForSetting.ps1
# Shamelessly stolen from this page (after fixing 1 bug):
# Powershell script that does the following:
# SearchGPOsForSetting.ps1 [–IsComputerConfiguration] [-Extension]
# [-Where]
[-Is] [[-Return] ] [[-DomainName] ] # [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction ] [-WarningAction ] # [-ErrorVariable ] [-WarningVariable ] [-OutVariable ] [-OutBuffer ] #
# Example: .\SearchGPOsForSetting.ps1 -IsComputerConfiguration $true -Extension Security -Where Name -Is LockoutDuration -Return SettingNumber
# Example: .\SearchGPOsForSetting.ps1 -IsComputerConfiguration $true -Extension Registry -Where Name -Is ACSettingIndex -Return SettingNumber
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Boolean] $IsComputerConfiguration,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Extension,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Where,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Is,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $Return,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $DomainName = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()

function print


$stringToPrint = “The Gpo ‘” + $displayName + “‘ has a ” + $Extension + ” setting where ‘” + $Where + “‘ is equal to ‘” + $Is + “‘”;

if ($Return -ne $null)
$stringToPrint += ” and the value of its ‘” + $Return + “‘ property is: ‘” + $value + “‘”;

$host.UI.Write([ConsoleColor]::Magenta, [ConsoleColor]::Black, $stringToPrint);

function processNodes

$thePropertyWeWant = $Where;

# If we already found the $Where then we are looking for our $Return value now.
if ($foundWhere)
$thePropertyWeWant = $Return;

foreach($node in $nodes)
$valueWeFound = $null;

#Here we are checking siblings
$lookingFor = Get-Member -InputObject $node -Name $thePropertyWeWant;

if ($lookingFor -ne $null)
$valueWeFound = $node.($lookingFor.Name);
else #Here we are checking attributes.
if ($node.Attributes -ne $null)
$lookingFor = $node.Attributes.GetNamedItem($thePropertyWeWant);

if( $lookingFor -ne $null)
$valueWeFound = $lookingFor;

if( $lookingFor -ne $null)
#If we haven’t found the $Where yet, then we may have found it now.
if (! $foundWhere)
# We have found the $Where if it has the value we want.
if ( [String]::Compare($valueWeFound, $Is, $true) -eq 0 )
# Ok it has the value we want too. Now, are we looking for a specific
# sibling or child of this node or are we done here?
if ($Return -eq $null)
#we are done, there is no $Return to look for
print -displayName $Gpo.DisplayName -value $null;
# Now lets look for $Return in the siblings and then if no go, the children.
processNodes -nodes $node -foundWhere $true;

#we are done. We already found the $Where, and now we have found the $Return.
print -displayName $Gpo.DisplayName -value $valueWeFound;

if (! [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($node.InnerXml))
processNodes -nodes $node.ChildNodes -foundWhere $foundWhere;

#Import our module for the call to the Get-GPO cmdlet
Import-Module GroupPolicy;

$allGposInDomain = Get-GPO -All -Domain $DomainName;

$xmlnsGpSettings = “”;
$xmlnsSchemaInstance = “”;
$xmlnsSchema = “”;

$QueryString = “gp:”;

if($IsComputerConfiguration){ $QueryString += “Computer/gp:ExtensionData/gp:Extension”; }
else{ $QueryString += “User/gp:ExtensionData/gp:Extension”; }

foreach ($Gpo in $allGposInDomain)
$xmlDoc = [xml] (Get-GPOReport -Guid $Gpo.Id -ReportType xml -Domain $Gpo.DomainName);
$xmlNameSpaceMgr = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($xmlDoc.NameTable);

$xmlNameSpaceMgr.AddNamespace(“”, $xmlnsGpSettings);
$xmlNameSpaceMgr.AddNamespace(“gp”, $xmlnsGpSettings);
$xmlNameSpaceMgr.AddNamespace(“xsi”, $xmlnsSchemaInstance);
$xmlNameSpaceMgr.AddNamespace(“xsd”, $xmlnsSchema);

$extensionNodes = $xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes($QueryString, $XmlNameSpaceMgr);

foreach ($extensionNode in $extensionNodes)
if ([String]::Compare(($extensionNode.Attributes.Item(0)).Value,
“” + $Extension, $true) -eq 0)
# We have found the Extension we are looking for now recursively search
# for $Where (the property we are looking for a specific value of).

processNodes -nodes $extensionNode.ChildNodes -foundWhere $false;